Angel Falls: The Way through Hell and Back?

Angel Falls cover

“I closed my eyes and felt her presence in my veins, wandering, like a lost girl inside of a dark tunnel. My pulse pulled on her, drawing her ever closer to my heart, until the gravity was too great. I felt her soul enter, felt the familiar fire burn, felt myself grow stronger even as she vanished. And for some reason, for the first time, I cared.”

Ever wonder what the devil really wants with all those souls? Or about what hell is really like?

Angel Falls (a.k.a Hell) has an interesting perspective on what hell could really be like if it were a city with gods who could rule it as if it were their own playground.


Angel Falls is very tongue in cheek and is an enjoyable read as you imagine what could be true about our final destination.

Related: What is heaven really like?


This tale will open up the question as you read about a new and unique take on hell. It stands on its own, while also making you think about some of the classics and has fun references to modern culture.

Think you know all about how it went down in the Garden of Eden? This tale will enlighten you and will give you a taste of the forbidden fruit.


The characters in the story will surprise you- it reads like a confessional mixed with a fairy tale-like romp that mixes the pilgrimage of The Canterbury Tales with Dante’s Inferno and blends in some new spices that you wouldn’t have suspected resulting in an engrossing and enjoyable journey as long as you don’t mind too much heat- and it’s the right amount of heat, so if you think you are too faint of heart for a tale of hell, don’t be afraid- angels can even make the journey here, though they need to first announce their names, positions, who they were sent from and for what purpose when they do (as Lucifer kindly reminds the visiting angel that this is protocol  when he visits him down south, much to his chagrin).

hell city

Overall, you will be delighted at the characters you meet- and the ones you thought you knew will shock you as you learn about a whole new side of them here in Angel Falls.

No holds barred. No punches held back. The characters band together and do whatever it takes to complete an impossible mission: to break out of hell and take on heaven. The question is- will they ever be able to return alive?

street paved with gold

How about in real life? Does hell really compare to the stories? What do you believe hell is like?


Do you believe in heaven and/or hell? Do you think the devil is like we imagine him to be? Please sound off in the comments below!


About the Book – About the Author – Prizes!!!

Welcome to Novel Publicity’s first ever publishing house blog tour. Join us as three new titles from Perfect Edge–we’re calling them the Perfect Edge Trifecta–tour the blogosphere in a way that just can’t be ignored. And, hey, we’ve got prizes!

About the book: It’s been rough lately for the Lord of Darkness, with ex-girlfriend drama rearing its head at inconvenient moments, ancient gods returning to take over the universe, and Satan’s own unstoppable laziness. But whatever.

Satan is okay, and he thinks you’re okay, too. This whole eternal damnation thing is all a bit of a misunderstanding.

He runs Hell as a resort, kind of. A vacation spot. The point is, he’s not a bad guy. He’s trying to save Heaven and all of creation, and he only has a dimwitted giant, a surly waitress, and a monkey to help him. So, a thank you might be nice. Maybe buy him a cup of coffee next time you see him. And you will see him.

It’s the Apocalypse, and all that.

Pick up your copy of this Fantasy/ Satire through Amazon US, Amazon UK, or Barnes & Noble.

About the author: Michael Paul Gonzalez lives and writes in Los Angeles. He is the editor at, an online lit zine and small press. He is at work on his next novel as you read this. Seriously. He probably just rattled off a really amazing chapter, and someday you’ll read it and think back to this moment, and exhale. Connect with Michael on his website, Facebook, GoodReads, or Twitter.

About the prizes: Who doesn’t love prizes? You could win either of two $25 Amazon gift cards, an autographed copy of Angel Falls, or an autographed copy of one of its tour mates, The Sound of Loneliness by Craig Wallwork or Stranger Will by Caleb J Ross. Here’s what you need to do…

  1. Enter the Rafflecopter contest
  2. Leave a comment on my blog.

That’s it! One random commenter during this tour will win a $25 gift card. Visit more blogs for more chances to win–the full list of participating bloggers can be found here. The other $25 gift card and the 3 autographed books will be given out via Rafflecopter. You can find the contest entry form linked below or on the official Perfect Edge Trifecta tour page via Novel Publicity. Good luck!

Perfect Edge Books was founded in late 2011 to unite authors whose books weren’t “obviously” commercial. Our books tend to sit in various genres all at once: literary fiction, satire, neo-noir, sci-fi, experimental prose. We believe that literary doesn’t have to mean difficult, and that difficult doesn’t just mean pointless. We prefer to cultivate a word-of-mouth approach to marketing, and keep production as simple as we can. Learn more at

Learn more about Angel Falls‘s tour mates HERE.

Perfect Edge Trifecta

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The Rising of Love and Lies? With a Fallen Angel, Nothing is easy

Review of Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

This is a great sequel to Hush, Hush (link to my review of  the first book in series here) and is definitely a must read for any paranormal romance fan. Nora has to make what is the hardest decision for her and any girl in her situation- she has to choose to let Patch go- the one she loves the most- in order to keep him. If she gives into getting him back now and being with him now, it will just be a short taste of pleasure with him and she may lose him forever. No more touch and go which is killing her.

She cannot lose him. She loves him more than anything. But does he know something else that could change everything? Why does he seem to lose hope?

She still feels like she is the dark.  More trouble comes to their relationship. She suspects Patch may be hiding even more from her than she had thought. What would happen if you suspected the one you love the most to actually be totally untrustworthy? Nora has to deal with this horrifying question, but even more so,with the added dimension of angels and their enemies. Nora has to decide what to do when she suspects the one who is supposed to be her protector and lover of having somewhat darker motives.
What will Nora decide? Will she break the ties with Patch, thinking this will protect her?  Or will she  have the hope  that she could then be with him someday? If that is even a safe choice anymore?

What Nora fears the most and what she doesn’t want to happen ends up being the very thing that very well may happen. We, as the readers, also cringe, having this as the last thing we want to happen as well.

There will be many twists and turns at the end that will also leave you eager for the just released third book of the saga (there will be a fourth book too!) – Silence– review to come soon! Please sign up for email updates at the top right to get the latest!

I would love to hear your thoughts on these books so far (no spoilers please for other readers 😉 I found myself definitely relating to many aspects of Nora and Patch’s love story. How about you? What parts do you relate to? What parts did you hate? What other novels do you think compare to this one- which other similar novels would you recommend? With Halloween fast approaching, I plan to do a mini-series on supernatural type novels, so please comment below with your suggestions!  I always love to hear other readers and writers opinions, so if you comment, you just might make my day! 😉

Love/Hate Relationship with my Guardian Angel

When having a guardian angel might be dangerous…

Review: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

(Series Order: Hush Hush, Crescendo, Silence)

I did not know if this book would live up to the hype, so I delayed getting it, already having quite the list of books to read. However, once I gave it a taste, I could not put it down. (The only good thing about not reading it right away is that now I don’t have to wait too long for the newest installment!)

The characters are not only out of this world, they are also believable and you truly fall in love with them and with their story. It is a magical world, yet also very realistic and you can definitely relate to the main character, Nora, who soon sees that she may have the very worst (or best) of both worlds.  You can definitely believe in Nora’s world and you can even see yourself there as Nora is easy to relate to and understand and this world welcomes you in grabs you in with both hands (and wings) and doesn’t let you go.

I love the tension of the characters and not knowing the back story of the mysterious characters in Nora’s life, although maddening, it adds to the mystery and magnetism of the story. Nora doesn’t know who loves her or hates her, who wants to protect her or who to avoid if she doesn’t want to die. This is wonderfully and artfully done, so much so that the tension and contrast of the ever changing mood and relationship between the characters is delicious (ravishingly so!). To put it simply: You will fall in love.

You develop strong feeling for the characters and so you fear even more for them when it seems things could go wrong. You hope against hope that it doesn’t go the one way you feared it would because you felt what Nora felt and cannot believe the worst about anybody, especially the ultimate paradox of a character that is Patch. Enough said. (You have to discover this character for yourself!)

Guardian Angels or Dark Angels? Angels of Death?

It is very interesting to see a whole different side of what is termed an “angel”. Guardian angels are not the half of it and this is what makes it so much more thrilling. I don’t want to give away the major points, but angels have no sense of touch and they don’t feel physical pain, which adds an important element to the story.

Unlike the angels, Nora feels a lot of pain throughout the novel, to put it mildly, both physical and emotional. But she is a fighter all the way! She is dead set on finding out the truth. She does not trust anyone and stands her ground, even when doing so puts her life at risk. So much so that even the guardian angels may not be able to save her.

Archangels, Roller-coasters, and…Guardian Angels that kill?

Does the one she loves the most truly have her best at heart? Or is something else going on? Is it all pretend? And will Nora’s desire to find out the truth do more harm than good?

Throughout the novel, I found myself on a gripping and breathless emotional roller-coaster ride, which is similar to the Archangel Roller-coaster that Nora goes on.

On this ride, she experiences something that makes her doubt everything and fears for her life even more. But even in the midst of the white hot tension, there are feel good parts that make you cling even tighter to the bars of the roller-coaster, hoping that your fears don’t come true.

Although the novel is character driven, the plot also carries it along, punch for punch, even threatening to overtake the characters at some points. Very interesting twists and surprises and you never know who is hiding what or what new twist will be thrown at you in the darkness of the tunnel when you are on the roller-coaster. Then you are dropped suddenly and your stomach lurches and everything is upside down. The maximum feeling of this to the nth degree is what this book makes you feel.

Hush, Hush is reminiscent of the wildest roller-coaster ride of your life. It’s the one called the Archangel. Where even the angels can kill you.

There is no question that you will ache to get the next book right away, Crescendo . Check out my review on that here. Then the third book in this absolutely amazing saga is Silence, stay tuned for reviews on this! Please click on the Amazon affiliate picture link below if you do buy the book-perfect time to get it so that you are ready for the finale!

(Note: The picture of the book above takes you right to Amazon) Thank you for reading! Please comment below about your thoughts on this version of guardian angels and if you would want a guardian angel, knowing there might be… erm, risks.

Boyfriend from Hell: When it all seems too perfect (Or fiery teenage rebellion from the not-so-good girl)

Review: Boyfriend from Hell by E. Van Lowe

This book defies the traditions of the paranormal romance realm and delves into the deep end. With shocking twists at every turn, the main character, Megan feels like she doesn’t know who is who anymore or what is going on, as her life totally changes once her mom starts dating. The man seems perfect, almost too good to be true, (in her mom’s eyes, at least) until she digs up some serious dirt on him. Not your average dirt either. But no one believes her, because it sounds too crazy. Who would believe a teenage girl saying that her mom’s new love interest is from hell?

What she doesn’t know will hurt her

So many changes are going on in Megan’s life that she responds at first in the usual teenage way. She breaks her tradition of being the good girl who is known for following the rules and starts to do what she wants. Rules be damned! Things get more serious when she is in danger and has to break some rules, this time for a reason- she has to protect her mother and cannot tell her what is really going on.

The relationships are what drive the book forward with an ever increasing momentum. Just as she doesn’t know who she truly is at times,  she now doesn’t feel she really knows everyone around her, let alone if she can trust them any longer.

As far as love interests go, as the title does say boyfriend– Megan does have a new love interest. And when her two best friends start dating, this throws a whole new dynamic to her friendships. Along with her mom’s new boyfriend situation, Megan does not know who she can really trust or love, let along if they are really there to protect her or hurt her. This definitely adds layers of tension and mystery to the already fast paced story. The complexity of the relationships alone is a great reason to check out the book to see how her relationships fare and how this affects the story, as well as her very chances of survival.

The ending pulls you so completely in that you need to know what happens next. Just enough is revealed so that it leaves you craving more to see what happens next between the characters that you come to love (or hate/fear, depending on who we are talking about). It’s all about the dynamics and this book nails them down.

Megan has to fight to protect her best friends, loved ones and her mom, who she loves more than anything. But who will fight for her? And what if the ones she fights for turn their backs on her?

For information on the author, visit here.

Now is also the perfect time to get your e-copy. The E-book sale is from now until August 31st, check it out here!

Boyfriend From Hell is the first book of the saga, which is great, as it definitely leaves you looking forward to the next one, Earth Angel!