LIES: Will this be what causes more death in the FAYZ?

Lies by Michael Grant:

Review of Book Three of the Gone series

As the world becomes ever darker in the FAYZ, it becomes easier for everyone to believe someone who offers them an easy way “out.” It becomes increasingly against the odds to stay alive here, as we start to watch the breakdown of several key characters. Orsay, along with a new friend of hers, sees visions and gives the kids very realistic promises of what she sees and she knows things about them and their past that no one else would know. This casts doubt on whether or not what she says is real. She tells them that their parents are waiting for them when they turn 15. This is the time when they “blink out” and two possible things could happen: disappear into probable death or survive if they resist the temptation to take this way out, but then they remain in the deadly FAYZ.

(Book One review click here.  Book Two: Hunger)

At the same time this is going on, the “Human Crew” lead by Zil, who are all against the freaks, is now more dangerous than ever. They plan to kill the freaks and even normals who get in the way. Anyone, in fact, who does not agree to “follow” him. This is part of his ever increasing quest for power in the FAYZ and it has to do with a lot of death. He starts to lust for blood and violence and seems to be able to get away with it by covering his tracks.

While all this is going on, Sam is under ever increasing pressure as the others tell him he needs to step down, but also expect him to fight all of the battles. On their terms of course.  He is not allowed to deal with threats directly; rather the new council must meet and decide a course of action. This could prove to be deadly, as threats are allowed to roam free, unstopped.

Newcomers and New Dangers in the FAYZ

A new group of kids also adds more sparks to the mix, with what could result in a “fire” if the two groups of kids meet. Another “new visitor” also comes to the FAYZ and this could mean death for everyone. In this world where nothing strange seems to phase anyone at all anymore, this could definitely be the factor that does cause shock, as well as the end for many.

Diana starts to show some sense of right and wrong and even seems to care for other people as well, which could be the start of Caine listening to her concerns. Or not. As we know Caine, he does not listen to anyone. But Diana has a solution for this as well. For people who want more of Caine and Diana, they will find them in this book.

Sam and Astrid also start to drift apart because of the tension with her being on the council which dictates what Sam can and cannot do. They also have other issues and they may also be running into a roadblock of sorts just like the other “couple” of the book.

Last but not least, Little Pete also causes more of a stir that will definitely create friction and could be the cause of future danger for him, as people may start to suspect something more about this “harmless” little boy.

This book is definitely a must read, as the third book of the riveting Gone series. When everyone lies to each other, the truth becomes ever hazier and this can put everyone in even more danger. Lies will continue to shock and tug your emotions in every direction as you hope for the characters to survive and you see them on the brink of death and you see many on the edge, about to fall off with no more hope of surviving life in the FAYZ. (To purchase/read a sample on Amazon, click on the picture below.)

(Book One review click here.  Book Two: Hunger)

To find out more about how you can be a part of the FAYZ, click here

Lies is the third book in what will be a six book series. Plague is the next book, which you will definitely want to have at hand after this one! Look for my review on that. I will be also be reviewing the next two books, Fear and Light soon as well. Please sign up for updates at the top right so you can get the latest! I would love to hear your opinions on this series or if you are planning on reading. Always love to hear from you!

Check out my Series Spotlight on this series here!

Book One:

Book Two:

Book Three:

Book Four:

Book Five:

Book Six:

The FAYZ and Hunger: At the end of the world, it’s all that matters

Mini Review: Book Two of Gone Series

Hunger by Michael Grant

As kids start to realize what being in the FAYZ (Fallout Alley Youth Zone) really means, the picture starts to look bleaker. Kids are starving and are looking for answers and this means there will be the changing of teams all around, as kids do whatever it takes to survive. Old friendships and loyalities may not matter anymore.

Gripping and powerful, this story that will suck you right into the FAYZ and you will not be able to leave until you read all about this horrifying world. No rules. No order. No single leader.  Except for the looming darkness that starts to take on an ever more terrifying shape.

The ending really plays with your emotions and while some things may be tied up and partly resolved, as much as can be “resolved” in this world anyway, as you know if you have read the first book or review that there is no way out. But just as you feel slight relief that one aspect of life might be okay for the characters, another problem arises. A problem that is seemingly even darker than before. And that will quickly remind you of how terrifying the world of Gone really is.

Last words: Don’t enter the FAYZ as there is no way out.

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You can now actually enter the world of the FAYZ- check out my post about the new interactive Transmedia World of Gone that author Michael Grant has created (or unleashed.) More to come as I explore more of it- but will definitely be cool to interact and be a part of the story!

Gone Series Order:

Book one: Gone

Book Two: Hunger

Book Three:
Lies: A Gone Novel

Book Four:
Plague: A Gone Novel

Book Five:


Book Six:


See you at the FAYZ!